Category: Yoga


Surya Namaskar – Steps, Poses, Benefits, and More

Surya Namaskar Ek, Fayde Anekh. In Surya Namaskar, Surya refers to “the sun,” and Namaskar means “bowing down in respect.” This has been the most popular yogic kriyas for many decades now, as it combines 12 yoga asanas in a yogic sequence. Practicing Surya Namaskar daily helps in balancing three constituents of your body, i.e., […]


The Perfect Time for Yoga: Before or After a Workout?

Yoga is an awesome mind-body workout. But to get the most from your practice, should you do yoga before or after a workout? Will the timing impact your other workouts? That depends on your existing fitness routine, the types of yoga you like to do, and your post-workout recovery plan. Whether you’re running, lifting weights, or doing a HIIT […]


Types of Yoga Asanas – A Complete Guide

The word “yoga” means “union”. Yoga aligns the mind with the body. The benefits of yoga are both physical and emotional. Yoga is a practice that has existed since ancient times. The relevance of yoga has never got lost. Yoga helps achieve perfect mind and body alignment. Therefore, even today, yoga is necessary for healthy […]


How to Do Triangle Pose in Yoga (Trikonasana)

A classic standing posture, triangle pose is found in many traditional styles of yoga, including ashtanga yoga and Iyengar yoga. Known as trikonasana in Sanskrit (triko = triangle; asana = pose), triangle pose involves a lot of moving parts. “Trikonasana is a pose that looks incredibly simple, but actually takes a lifetime to master,” says Stephanie Saunders, vice president, fitness programming at BODi […]