Category: Fitness Motivation


“Thick Thighs Save Lives”: Meet BODi Trainer Lita Lewis

Before she was an Instagram sensation, Lita Lewis moved from Australia to New York with enough money to survive for 21 days. She landed a job with two days to spare but soon realized her addiction to fitness surpassed her purpose at the office. Now living in Los Angeles, Lewis travels the world spreading her body-positive fitness […]


24 Inspiring Quotes for Daily Motivation

Here’s the thing about motivation: It requires constant renewal to be effective. It’s not enough to just get motivated for one workout, one well-balanced meal, or one meditation session. Pushing past plateaus and accomplishing goals require that we get motivated every single day — to lace up those shoes again, to grab an apple instead of […]


22 Pilates Quotes to Inspire Your Next Workout

If you’ve been slacking on your Pilates game lately, finding the right motivational or positive Pilates quotes might be just the ticket to shaking off the funk that’s keeping you from unrolling your mat. (Even Joseph Pilates himself likely had the occasional “off” day.) Pilates is good for the body and soul. As far as benefits go, […]


16 Motivational Books to Get You Moving

Between work stress, family obligations, and trying to maintain some sort of social life, we need all the motivational help we can get to stay fit and healthy. If you’ve exhausted all your favorite podcasts, it might be time to get back to good old-fashioned motivational books. Self-motivation books are a great resource to help […]


20 Monday Motivation Quotes to Start Your Week Right

Mondays can be overwhelming. Those laid-back weekend vibes are behind you, and now you’re just trying to figure out how you’ll juggle everything on your to-do list. But a little bit of Monday motivation can help set the tone for your whole week — because every Monday is a chance to start fresh. So we’ve rounded […]


Is Intrinsic Motivation the Change You Need to Finally Reach Your Goals?

What brings you to your mat or inspires you to lace up your sneakers? Motivation can come from different places, especially in our social media-influenced lives. Sometimes we sabotage our fitness motivation without even realizing it or we need an extra push to work out. Understanding intrinsic motivation can help you reach your goals — fitness and otherwise. […]


25 Walking Quotes to Get You Inspired

Need a little extra motivation to lace up your sneakers and hit your steps count for the day? These walking quotes will remind you why walking is such an amazing workout — not just for the calorie burn, but also for the mental health boost it provides. Even on low-motivation days when running is just not going to happen, you can usually muster up the […]


Are You an Optimist or Toxically Positive? Spot the Signs

Mindset is a critical, often overlooked component of health — especially as we learn to view health beyond outward appearance. Ditching negative thoughts is a good first step, but replacing them with a “good vibes only” mentality can be equally detrimental, a state of mind referred to increasingly as toxic positivity. A wholesale rejection of […]


Are You Using Negative Motivation to Get Results?

In fitness and life, not all motivation is created equal. Some motivation not only inspires us to get out of our chairs and into our running gear, but also keeps us happy and fulfilled. Other forms of motivation, like negative motivation, may keep us going (for a time), but they don’t exactly fill us with […]