Category: Diet


Vitamin C Benefits: Explore Its Importance to Health

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble essential vitamin that the human body is unable to synthesise. Therefore, it is necessary to intake vitamin C from dietary sources. Vitamin C performs many vital physiological roles in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps with the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, […]


Basil Seeds: Health Benefits, Side Effects and More

India has an incredible variety of herbs and spices, and one such indigenous seed is the basil or sabja seeds. Often known by a variety of names such as sweet basil seeds or falooda seeds, these seeds come from a variant of basil, a culinary herb valued for its strong, sweet, and somewhat spicy flavour. […]


The Ultimate Guide to Foods High in Zinc

The mineral zinc is necessary for many bodily purposes, such as proper immune system function, wound healing, enzymatic reactions, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, gene expression, and growth and development. According to research, consuming zinc additionally helps with Wilson disease, burns, diarrhoea, acne, diabetes, and of course, zinc deficiency. But because the body cannot store zinc, […]


Best Foods to Eat in the Morning

A balanced breakfast must include all the essential nutrients, including carbs, protein, and fibre, to ensure that one healthily starts the day. However, busy schedules sometimes act as a hindrance to preparing breakfast, making many skip the critical meal of the day.  Breakfast breaks the overnight fast and provides numerous health benefits. Various studies have […]


Health Benefits of Pineapple: Uses, Precautions and More

Pineapple is a highly nutritious tropical fruit which has become highly popular and is available in various forms: fresh fruit, frozen fruit, juice, tablets and capsules. The top crown of the fruit contains a bud that indicates when the fruit is ready for cutting. The crowns from the top are used for propagation, as pineapples […]


Understanding Ketogenic Diet: The Nutritionally Correct Way

The ketogenic diet or keto diet is the talk of the town, followed by celebrities, social media influencers, and the health-conscious worldwide. The common perception is that it’s a diet for weight loss. Contrary to popular belief, the keto diet originated to cure neurological diseases. However, following this diet with a proper schedule and plan […]


How to Gain Weight in a Healthy Way: Tips and Tricks

Gaining weight can challenge those with high metabolism, slender frames, or small appetites. Whether you want to build muscle or put on some healthy pounds, the key to gaining weight is to eat more calories than your body burns in a day. In this article, we will show how and what to eat to maximise […]


The Health Benefits of Fish Oil: A Guide

Fish oil, a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids, holds a pivotal role in promoting well-being and vitality. These essential nutrients are vital for cardiovascular health and also contribute significantly to cognitive function. While fish stands as an exceptional source of omega-3s, fish oil supplements offer a convenient option for those who may not regularly include […]


Coffee and its Health Benefits: A Detailed Guide

Coffee is an appreciated and indispensable aspect of daily life for most people out there. For them, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee signals the start of the day. A warm cup of coffee is quite relaxing, and the caffeine in it makes one feel energised. But is drinking coffee good for health? Yes, consuming […]


Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Nuts

Nuts, often referred to as nature’s nutritional powerhouse, offer various health benefits. These small but mighty wonders are more than just a crunchy snack; they can be your allies in achieving a healthier lifestyle. From supporting heart health to providing essential nutrients, nuts have garnered attention for their potential to enhance well-being.  This article explores […]