Category: Diabetes


Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Exploring Diabetic Complications

Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder worldwide, characterised by chronic hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia due to deficiencies in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. It is estimated that half of individuals affected by diabetes remain undiagnosed, thus increasing their susceptibility to diabetic complications. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is the most common complication of blood sugar emergency in […]


Blood Sugar Test: How and When Should Diabetics Do It?

Understanding blood sugar levels is crucial for anyone managing diabetes. This article explores the importance of regular blood sugar testing, offering insights into optimal testing times and methods to ensure effective diabetes management. Regular monitoring helps maintain daily health and prevents long-term complications associated with diabetes. For those living with diabetes, knowing when and how […]


Hyperinsulinemia: Managing Diabetes’ Predecessor

To put it simply, hyperinsulinemia is a condition when there is too much insulin in your blood. This condition is important because it is related to how your body controls and manages sugar levels. While often linked to type 2 diabetes, hyperinsulinemia is not diabetes itself. However, it indicates a risk of developing diabetes. Hyperinsulinemia […]


Cushing Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

The endocrine system and hormonal balance are vital for overseeing essential bodily functions such as metabolism, growth, and immune response. Disruptions in this system, involving glands, hormones, and organs, can lead to disorders that significantly affect health and well-being. One such disorder is Cushing Syndrome. It is a rare condition characterised by various symptoms and […]


Somogyi Effect: Navigating Blood Sugar Swings in Diabetes

Navigating the complexities of managing diabetes introduces us to various phenomena that directly impact blood glucose levels. Among these, the Somogyi effect is a critical concept for those striving to maintain balanced glucose levels. This phenomenon, named after the scientist Michael Somogyi who first described it, is a counter-regulatory response to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar […]


Dawn Phenomenon: Identifying and Managing Symptoms

When managing diabetes, it is ideal to maintain morning blood glucose levels between 70 and 99 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). However, people with diabetes often find that their early-morning blood sugar is high. These early-morning blood sugar spikes occur due to a relatively common event called the dawn phenomenon, affecting approximately 50% of people living […]


Insulin Sensitivity: Understanding Blood Sugar Better

Insulin sensitivity might sound like a complicated term, but it’s a crucial part of understanding your health. Insulin sensitivity is especially crucial when it comes to managing weight and preventing type 2 diabetes.  Insulin is a hormone that helps manage the sugar levels in your blood. When your body responds well to insulin, you generally […]


Does Eating Sugar Cause Diabetes? Here’s Your Answer

Sugar has been a staple in human diets for centuries. Starting from the days when our ancestors found sweetness in fruit to today’s vast array of sugary foods and drinks. The way we consume sugar has drastically changed. Our ancestors found their sweetness in fruits, which is a natural source. However, today, our sugar consumption […]


Understanding Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes, a unique form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, has gained significant attention due to its potential impact on both maternal and fetal health. This condition, characterised by elevated blood sugar levels, requires careful management to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. With its prevalence on the rise and the potential long-term […]


All You Need to Know About Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes insipidus is a rare disorder characterized by excessive thirst and urination due to insufficient production or ineffective response to vasopressin, a hormone that regulates water balance. This leads to diluted urine and potential dehydration. The treatment involves addressing the underlying cause, hormone replacement, and fluid management. Understanding diabetes insipidus is crucial as it affects […]