Month: April 2024


Healthy Ageing: Taking Control of Your Well-being

Healthy ageing is about sustaining functional ability and well-being as you age. One can achieve it by prioritising physical, social, emotional, and cognitive health. There is a common misconception that healthy ageing means being completely free from illness or weakness. However, effectively managing health conditions can minimise their impact on overall well-being. It is never […]


The Right—And Wrong—Way to Approach Working Out With Migraine

Migraine and exercise have a somewhat… complicated relationship. That’s because there’s really no one-size-fits-all approach: Some workouts can improve symptoms and help mitigate certain triggers, like an inability to sleep well. Others might actually cause a throbbing head and nausea. Roughly 30% of people with migraine may have an exercise-triggered attack at some point, and […]


Learn the Turkish Get-Up: The Fullest-Body Exercise

The Turkish get-up (or TGU) may very well be the consummate functional, total-body exercise. After all, it leaves roughly zero muscles untouched, hits every plane of movement, gets your heart rate up, and improves total-body strength and stability, explains Cody Braun, CSCS. When you consider that the Turkish get-up is really a flow through about […]


Quercetin: A Mighty Lesser-Known Nutrient

Bioflavonoids play a crucial role in the daily diet because they have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, they are utilised in the food industry to preserve foods, add colour and flavour, and make dietary supplements. Quercetin, found in over twenty plant products, is one such important bioflavonoid. It is one of the most […]


How Often Should You Meditate to Reap the Benefits?

Let’s get one thing straight right away: You should meditate as often as you like and as often as it fits into your schedule. When trying to set up a meditation practice, “it’s important to be realistic with ourselves and our schedules. Otherwise we just end up not doing it at all,” explains yoga and […]


How to Get Better at Push-Ups So You Can Crush Your Very First One

Push-ups are one of those classic exercises you see everywhere, from bootcamps to yoga flows to strength workouts—and probably even in your gym class flashbacks. But if you find yourself grimacing whenever they pop up in your programming, you’re totally not alone. There’s no sugarcoating it: The push-up can be hard AF. According to a […]


Inositol and PCOS: Balancing Hormonal Health

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects approximately 10% of women of reproductive age and presents a significant health concern. This hormonal disorder can lead to various symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, insulin resistance, and fertility issues. In the quest for effective management strategies, Inositol has started to emerge as a promising aid. This naturally occurring substance, […]


How to Do Extended Side Angle Pose in Yoga

If you’ve been seeking a great side stretch, look no further than the extended side angle pose in yoga, also known as utthita parsvakonasana in Sanskrit. Not only does it stretch the side of your torso, but it also stretches the side of your legs, and it even gives you a deep stretch in your groin. […]


Now Available: Shakeology’s New High-Protein Hot Sauce!

The information provided on this website (including the Blogs, Community pages, Program Materials and all other content) was originally intended for a U.S. audience. Regulations in your country may vary. +Results vary depending on starting point, goals and effort. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. The […]


AMH Levels: A Key to Reproductive Health

AMH, or Anti-Mullerian Hormone, might not be a term you hear every day, but it is crucial when it comes to understanding fertility. Unlike the commonly discussed hormones like estrogen or testosterone, AMH offers insights into the ovarian reserve. It essentially gives an idea of the number of eggs a person has in their ovaries. […]