Month: January 2024


Get an Abs and Butt Workout at Home With These 7 Moves

Targeting your abs and glutes can help you get a sculpted booty and six-pack abs — but that’s not the only reason to add this abs and butt workout to your weekly routine. Your core plays a key role in nearly every move you make, and your glutes are essential for power generation — especially when it […]


What Are the 7 Chakras? A Beginner’s Guide

You’ve taken a yoga class or two. While you may not think of yourself as a yogi quite yet, you know the difference between mountain pose and chaturanga. But your instructor keeps tossing around one word that throws you off balance (literally!) every time — chakras. Cakra is Sanskrit for “wheel,” and this yoga term refers to an […]


9 Best Bike Helmets for Every Type of Ride in 2024

It’s no secret how important it is to wear a helmet while riding a bike. There’s plenty of research that shows the safety benefits of them—it’s definitely in your best interest to put one on. “People [who crash] without helmets tend to have more severe injuries,” Steve Broglio, PhD, director of the University of Michigan […]


Suns Out, Guns Out: The 6 Coolest Outdoor Gyms Around the World

What could be better than a blood-pumping, heart-racing, endorphin-crushing workout? One with a sweet view. Outdoor gyms are becoming a more popular option amongst the active crowd who still wants to get their swole on in the sun. Whether it’s on a white sandy beach, overlooking a mountain range, or simply a stop at the […]


How to Do Locust Pose in Yoga (Salabhasana)

Locust pose, or salabhasana, is a belly-down, or prone, yoga posture that stretches your chest, shoulders, and spine. It’s also a backbend that’s suitable for beginners. “Locust pose improves strength and flexibility, and it is thought to reduce the effects of physical stress because it reverses slouching,” says ACE-certified personal trainer Jennifer Fuller, RYT 500. There is […]


How Long Should You Meditate?

Meditation can feel, well, a lot like doing nothing if you’re new to the practice. Newcomers can feel frustrated or like they’re “failing.” (By the way, it’s impossible to fail at using meditation to combat stress unless you don’t do it at all.) But the benefits of meditation are big for those who consistently show up. So, how much […]


Meet SELF’s 2024 Everyday Athletes

The benefits of fitness are far-reaching, both for your body (the strength to hoist that heavy box back on the shelf! The speed to sprint to your train stop with seconds to spare!) and your mind (who doesn’t feel less stressed after a workout?). Problem is, lots of folks miss out on those perks because […]


Why You Really, Really Shouldn’t Use a Massage Gun on Your Neck

A fitness TikToker is warning people about an unsettling experience she had after using a massage gun on her neck. In the video, which has racked up 4.6 million views so far, Sophie Dolce explained that she recently woke up with “the worst kink in her neck.” So she turned to her massage gun for […]