Month: December 2023


Citric Acid Is in Everything: Does That Means It’s OK to Consume?

Skim the ingredient list of many beverages, jams, canned vegetables, or frozen foods and you’re likely to come across one that you can actually pronounce — citric acid. Despite its prevalence, few consumers know what it is or where it comes from. (Though that first word should give you a clue…) Here’s what you should […]


The Fourth Macro?! How Many Calories Are in Alcohol

One of the hardest thing about counting macros is that nagging X factor: alcohol. When planning meals for the week, few of us account for the calories in alcohol from, say, afterwork beers or celebratory cocktails. But even the most carefully considered diet plan can struggle when it comes to booze. Macro mathematicians may also […]


Best NMN Supplement: Fountain of Youth in a Bottle? (2023)

We receive free products and receive commissions through our links. See disclosures page. What exactly is the big deal with NMN? It all starts with NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Think of NAD as cellular currency in your body. It’s required for things like energy production, DNA repair, and regulating gene expression. All of these processes […]


New Year’s Fitness Sales (2024)

We receive free products and receive commissions through our links. See disclosures page. Getting in shape and eating healthier tops many people’s New Year resolution lists. Even if you already work out consistently and follow a solid nutrition plan, the new year can be an excellent time to set new fitness goals or try a […]