Month: May 2023


Is a Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan to Lose 5 kg in 5 Days Feasible?

Fast weight loss diet plans are extremely attractive propositions. The temptation to try out a rapid weight loss diet plan that promises to shed 5 kg in 5 days is a quick solution to weight-related woes. However, it is vital to approach any such weight loss plan with caution. While some may be able to […]


Effective Pre-Workout Meal Ideas for Weight Loss

When it comes to pre-workout meals, many people often associate them with bodybuilders or gym enthusiasts who lift heavy weights. However, the truth is that pre-workout meals can benefit those trying to lose weight through physical activity. Exercise is a critical factor in shedding pounds, but not many people realise that certain foods consumed before […]


How Many Calories in a Day for Weight Loss: A Healthy Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, many face difficulty keeping track of their diet and lifestyle, leading to weight gain. Restricting the daily calories consumed is an effective way to lose weight. It is a good idea to cut down on food that is high in calories and low in nutritional value to lose weight. The number […]


How to Work Out at Work Without Messing Up Your Entire Day

Despite the seismic shift toward remote work culture over the past three years, people are (however reluctantly) heading back to the office. That might be good news for those who thrive on watercooler catch-ups, but not quite as positive for the folks who have been squeezing in exercise between Zoom meetings. So what does this mean […]


Calm Your Mind Master Class With Maria Sirois

Can we let you in on a little secret? You have magnificence inside you. We all do. But stress, catastrophizing, and the natural, oh-so-human, negative spin inside our brains keep us from letting it shine for the world to see. And the world is missing out. Let’s make a change. Let’s grant ourselves permission to […]


Permiso para ser humano, concedido: master class Calma tu mente con Maria Sirois

¿Podemos contarte un secreto? La magnificencia está dentro de ti. Está dentro de todas las personas. Pero el estrés, el catastrofismo y la mirada negativa natural, tan humana, de nuestro cerebro nos impiden dejarla brillar para que el mundo la vea. Y el mundo se lo está perdiendo. Cambiemos eso. Concedámonos permiso para ser humanos […]


How Annie Thorisdottir Overcomes Doubt To Return to Individual CrossFit Competition

Written by Roger Lockridge Last updated on May 10, 2023 The 2011 and 2012 CrossFit Games women’s champion, Annie Thorisdottir, has returned to Individual CrossFit competition and is poised to make another run at becoming FIttest Women on Earth®. Thorisdottir spoke as a guest on the Talking Elite Fitness podcast, where she spoke about the 2023 season and the mental […]


Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

If you’re on a weight-loss journey or planning to start one, snacking can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. On the one hand, snacking can help you avoid binge eating and keep your metabolism going. But, on the other hand, if you choose the wrong snacks, it can add unwanted calories and […]


Quinoa Recipes For Weight Loss

Quinoa, a grain-like seed, has gained significant popularity recently due to its nutritional value and potential health benefits. It is an excellent plant-based protein containing fibre and essential vitamins and minerals. Quinoa is also a gluten-free alternative to grains. That makes it suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Beyond its nutritional content, […]